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Bug#548825: texlive-latex-base: \pdfinfo with hyperref should not have undefined behavior

Control: tags -1 - fixed-upstream

Am 29.09.2009 um 01:37 teilte Vincent Lefevre mit:


the issue has been forwarded upstream and the issue been closed w/ the
following comment:

I think I'll close here, interaction with direct use of the primitives
is largely undefined and this whole area is likely to get looked at
again with the expl3 backend code.

Therefore the tag fixed-upstream is not correct, I remove it.


> When using the \pdfinfo pdftex command with hyperref, one gets a PDF
> file with multiply-defined fields (Title, Subject, Keywords, Author);
> see attached files as an example. According to
>   http://groups.google.fr/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/f8f2d1733b0f22f0/
> this is undefined behavior (for instance, pdfinfo from xpdf-utils and
> pdfinfo from poppler-utils behave differently), and the fact that the
> user must not use \pdfinfo with hyperref is not documented (there are
> even various documents on the web that provide examples using \pdfinfo
> with hyperref). The hyperref package should do everything to avoid the
> multiply-defined entries (an error would probably be best).

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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