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Re: Proper way for packages to ship a single .sty file?

Hi Gard, hi Hilmar,

On Sat, 28 Dec 2019, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> > I understand from the TeX sub-policy that I'm supposed to place that
> > file in $TEXMFDEBIAN/tex/latex/packagename, but am I also supposed to
> > call dh_installtex or do anything else?
> > 
> Either call dh_installtex or (if you use the dh sequencer in your
> debian/rules file) call it like this:

Actually, **nothing** is necessary if you only install .sty files, that
is files into /usr/share/texmf/ and do NOT need font map updates or
other specific actions.

tex-common is watching /usr/share/texmf and will run mktexlsr

Bottomline: no need to add anything, but what Hilmar suggested is also
fine, just a no-op. Though it will help in case you need to do more in
the future (maps, hyphenations, formats).



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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