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Bug#683163: xmlto fail to convert example docbook to PDF (LaTeX Error, missing \item?)

Control: severity 683163 important
Control: merge 683163 170477

Am 29.07.2012 um 13:01 teilte Petter Reinholdtsen mit:


> I ran into a problem with the PDF suport in xmlto.  I see the problem
> with a larger file (the freeculture.xml file available from
> <URL: https://github.com/petterreinholdtsen/free-culture-lessig >, but
> was also able to see it with an example file available from
> <URL: https://trac.v2.nl/export/7884/v2fo/trunk/v2fo/lib/docbook/test/book.xml >.
Known issue, not solved yet. It is 170477 and friends. I'm merging your bug.

Unfortunately nobody did some substantial work on the issue for now. So
we don't even know if this is an issue in passivetex or xmltex. In the
first case there is no hope b/c it was maintained by Sebastian Rahtz and
nobody took over the maintainer-ship. I'll see, whether I can invest
some time into investigation in the next days.

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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