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Bug#873816: texlive-base: Fonts handling broken in dvips?

Am 31.08.2017 um 14:34 teilte Marc SCHAEFER mit:

Hi Marc,

> was working correctly with Debian wheezy LTS, for DVI, PS (via dvips)
> and PDF (via pdflatex):
>    latex demo.tex && dvips demo.dvi -o demo.ps && pdflatex demo.tex
>    xdvi demo.dvi; gv demo.ps; gv demo.pdf
> With jessie and stretch, the problem is a corrupted PS file which does
> not contain the word "first" completely, and in addition with a
> wrong font (looking like courier).
> Maybe the psfonts.map file is wrong?
I can confirm that in your example the ligature is missing/not displayed
when opening the PS file, meanwhile it is OK for the pdf file. I
regenerated the ps file and noticed that everthing look now. Are you
still able to reproduce the issue. If yes, please send:

1. grep cmssbx17 /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/psfonts.map
2. Output of dvips run.

Finally there are some old tfm file hanging around:


Does removing them solves your issue?

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