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Bug#721626: texlive-base: .pfm files really needed?

On Sun, 04 Aug 2019, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> hille@debian-amd64-sid:~$ apt-file search .pfm|grep texlive|wc -l
> 567
> Need help here? Simply blacklisting in
> texlive-nonbin/all/debian/tpm2deb.cfg ?

Yes, that should be fine. Probably some patterns would be nice.



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
GPG: 0x860CDC13   fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0 ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13

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