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Bug#881177: xdvi does not draw all the symbols properly

Am 08.11.2017 um 16:15 teilte Leon Meier mit:

Hi Leon,

Sorry, we didn't see your bug report. The reason is that mails > 100KB
are not transferred to our mailing list. They are just visible in the
bug tracker.

> How to reproduce:
> 1. Get some dvi file; in my example it is
>   http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/R.W.Kaye/latex/el2e.dvi
> 2. run `xdvi el2e.dvi &`
> 3. Observe that some symbols are not displayed or not fully displayed.
> The screenshot (screenshot1.jpg) is attached.
> Which symbols are not displayed or not fully displayed seems random.
> Magnification glass shows the missing strikes.
> The following actions do not alter anything on the fact that certain
> symbols are not fully displayed:
> - switching to some other window and back
> - switching to some other screen and back via Ctrl+Alt+Down, Ctrl+Alt+Up
> The following actions change which symbols are not displayed or not
> fully displayed:
> - switching to a tty (Ctrl+Alt+Fn) and back
> - closing xdvi and starting it anew on the same file
> - scrolling to a different page of the file and back.
> See the second screenshort for another run on the same file.
> My display manager is Gnome.

I have here a quite different setup: xdvi / evince running on Debian
unstable. Display is (through X forwarding) an MobaXterm running on
Windows 10. I tried both viewers and I can't reproduce the problem.

1. Are you still able to reproduce the issue?
2. Did you try another application to display the file, e.g, evince?

I'd rather suspect that you look at a problem @the X server than the
application trying to display anything.

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