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Bug#897627: tex: please support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for dvi too

On 04.05.2018 13:38, Bill Allombert wrote:


> Maybe this could be documented in the manpage? There is already:
>        This version of TeX implements a number of optional extensions.
>   In fact, many of these extensions  conflict  to  a  greater or lesser
>   extent with the definition of TeX.  When such extensions are enabled,
>   the banner printed when TeX starts is  changed  to  print TeXk instead
>   of TeX.
Hmm, you mean we should document every difference between our TeXk and
TeX? Not sure if that should be put into a /manual/ page.

> I think it is likely that if this bug is closed without changes, someone
> else will open it again.
What bug? According to Norbert the behavior of TeX is more close the
DEK's TeX than pdfTeX. So one could complain about a bug in pdfTeX, but
not in TeX (as you did).
We could implement a README.Debian  documenting, which version of TeX to
use, when one needs a reproducible build.

> What about latex?
hille@amd64-sid:~$ latex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018/Debian)
(preloaded format=latex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
hille@amd64-sid:~$ tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2018/Debian) (preloaded

--> uses pdfTeX.

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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