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Bug#896102: libsynctex1: Version is too recent, and prevent texmaker and zathura (at least) to launch

Am 19.04.2018 um 15:45 teilte victor mit:


Since the last upgrade of my system (sid), I cannot launch nor texmaker nor
zathura. It seems that libsynctex1 is too recent for these others packages, and
therefore prevent them from being launched. As an example, launching texmaker
texmaker: symbol lookup error: texmaker: undefined symbol: synctex_next_result

The system refuses to downgrade to the previous version of libsynctex1, and
deinstalling/reinstalling packages does not fix the issue.
When you reinstalled: did you use the version from unstable or the one
from testing? Please re-test w/ the one from testing.
Further I recommend to install apt-listbugs to see serious bugs bevore the upgrade happens: your bug was reported yesterday as #895980.

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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