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Bug#879801: ftbfs with icu from experimental

Hi Hilmar,

thanks for testing!

> XeTeX in the end fails due to missing symbols (last part of build log is

I don't see any libicu* in the linker run, though?

> hille@amd64-sid:~/...$ pkg-config --libs icu-uc
> -licuuc -licudata

I guess for security I would use
  pkg-config --libs icu-uc icu-io

> "-licuuc -licudata" are not handed over to the libtool command. So the
> options are lost somewhere.

Yes indeed, that is the problem. 

I need to investigate, too, after I'm back from by conference ..


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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