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Bug#882537: biber FTBFS:

> # -      \\field{sortinithash}{f615fb9c6fba11c6f962fb3fd599810e}
> # +      \\field{sortinithash}{07bbd5a529b5beaa311df5be05b874bc}

Yeah, usual mix up between libunicode-collate-perl as shipped with
perl internally and with extra module.

Did you install libunicode-collate-perl package or used the perl
internal provided?

It is very unfortunate that perl provides a package but is not 100%
compatible with it.


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
GPG: 0x860CDC13   fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0 ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13

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