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Bug#856993: Warnings "Add \usepackage{fontspec} to the (frenchb.ldf) preamble of your document"

Package: texlive-lang-french
Version: 2016.20170123-3
Severity: important

Consider the input

% \usepackage{fontspec}%%% Doesn't matter where you use fontspec

No matter which of the two lines including the fontspec package is enabled, the warning

Package frenchb.ldf Warning: Add \usepackage{fontspec} to the
(frenchb.ldf)                preamble of your document, on input line 5.

is printed to the log when compiling with xelatex or lualatex.
The output file is ok.

The bug is apparently repaired upstream in babel-french version 3.2g. Please push it to testing before it gets stable.

Justification of severity: we rely on warnings to check that our documents are well-built. Having one more warning is a big red sign that something might have gone wrong during compilation, and we would not like to have this distraction months and years long in stable.

Thanks in advance,


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