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Bug#797872: info: please add an option to disable mouse support

Hi Thorsten,

> then hit / and paste the thing I want to search for via
> middle-click. This stopped working.

Indeed. That could be improved.

> In mc, which also suddenly gained mouse support in screen,
> I can circumvent this by holding Shift while middle-clicking
> (mc has other problems though this is not the place for them).
> This does not work correctly in info because it inserts the
> CLIPBOARD then, not the PRIMARY selection.

I disagree here. On my laptop 
throws the primary selection - the clipboard is empty as I
can easily check with Ctrl(-Shift)-V (depending on where).

Are you sure that you do not have some clipboard-selection program
running like clipman that might interfer?

I repeat:
It would be nice that middle mouse click copies primary selection,
and I will look into it, but Shift-middle in my case *does*
copy the selection.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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