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Bug#792328: info: can no longer find the Emacs manual

On 20 Jul 2015 14:21:54 +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:

Gavin> Say Emacs 24 is installed as /usr/bin/emacs24, then the Info file
Gavin> could be at /usr/share/info/emacs24.info. Likewise if there's a
Gavin> symbolic link /usr/bin/emacs -> /usr/bin/emacs24, there could
Gavin> just as well be a symbolic link /usr/share/info/emacs24.info ->
Gavin> /usr/share/info/emacs.info. I don't see why using subdirectories
Gavin> should be necessary for this.

What about cross-references from other info files?  When I'm browsing
message-24.info for example and there is a reference "(emacs) Some
node", presumably I want to jump to emacs-24.info, even if currently
emacs -> emacs23.  Your solution doesn't address this.

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