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Bug#778917: texlive-latex-extra: missing dependency - textgreek.sty requires lgrenc.def (texlive-lang-greek)

On 21.02.2015 20:18, carandraug wrote:


The Tex textgreek package is part of the texlive-latex-extra debian package.
This Tex package depends on lgrenc.def which in Debian, is part of the Debian
texlive-lang-greek package.  This package should then be listed as a
dependency for texlive-latex-extra but it is not.

Hmm. texlive-latex-extra has size of 33MB. texlive-lang-greek has a size of 88MB. Forcing users to download and install 88MB just for a def file having a size of 37KB won't make us friends. Norbert, could you discuss this w/ upstream. Maybe moving the "greek-fontenc" TeX package to an extra TeX Live package?

http://www.hilmar-preusse.de.vu/   #206401 http://counter.li.org

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