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Bug#776644: texlive-xetex: xeCJK error message apparently prints wrong command

You're right, I'm sorry for not checking before.  In jessie (texlive-xetex 2014.20141024-2), the message is better (though ideally I think it should mention the command, but that's not a packaging bug):

    * xeCJK warning: "fandol"
    * Fandol is being set as the default font for CJK text.
    * Please make sure it has been properly installed.

Incidentally, I stumbled on another xecjk bug in wheezy (it stack-overflows if you use the fontspec option \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase} ); but this, too, is already fixed in the jessie version.

Again, sorry for taking your time.

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