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Bug#750785: Slowness with context and xetex


I think I found the bug:

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Norbert Preining wrote:
> This is about 100 times faster .... total runtime on that document, with debug output, real 1.845s.

I recompiled harfbuzz with some debug statements in the 
function, and it turned out that when I do that:
(in src/hb-shape-plan.cc, function hb_shape_plan_create_cached
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG harfbuzz: after retry label\n");
  hb_face_t::plan_node_t *cached_plan_nodes = (hb_face_t::plan_node_t *) hb_atomic_ptr_get (&face->shape_plans);
  for (hb_face_t::plan_node_t *node = cached_plan_nodes; node; node = node->next) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop\n");
    if (hb_shape_plan_matches (node->shape_plan, &proposal)) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG harfbuzz return from node loop\n");
      return hb_shape_plan_reference (node->shape_plan);

THat the loop is getting longer and longer and longer and longer.
For each iteration it loops one more time!! I only send you
the start of the log output:
DEBUG [1407750920] <0> return from hb_shape_plan_create_cached
DEBUG [1407750920] hbFace=47040112, segment_props.script=1281455214, segment_props.direction=4, segment-props.language=47792128, engine->nFeatures=0, shaperList=¨1N
DEBUG harfbuzz: after retry label
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz: before shape_plan_create
DEBUG harfbuzz: before calloc
DEBUG [1407750920] <0> return from hb_shape_plan_create_cached
DEBUG [1407750920] hbFace=47040112, segment_props.script=1281455214, segment_props.direction=4, segment-props.language=47792128, engine->nFeatures=0, shaperList=¨1N
DEBUG harfbuzz: after retry label
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz: before shape_plan_create
DEBUG harfbuzz: before calloc
DEBUG [1407750920] <0> return from hb_shape_plan_create_cached
DEBUG [1407750920] hbFace=47040112, segment_props.script=1281455214, segment_props.direction=4, segment-props.language=47792128, engine->nFeatures=0, shaperList=¨1N
DEBUG harfbuzz: after retry label
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz node for loop
DEBUG harfbuzz: before shape_plan_create
DEBUG harfbuzz: before calloc
DEBUG [1407750920] <0> return from hb_shape_plan_create_cached

SO with every char another loop element is added.

Still on the first page, I already had:
[~/foo] grep loop xelatexslow-debug-output.log | wc -l

That explains why it is getting soooo slow ...

I cannot dig into the code now, but this is for sure not
planned ;-)


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
GPG: 0x860CDC13   fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0  ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13

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