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Bug#742767: TeX Gyre OpenType and wrongly(?) named glyphs

>>>>> "HH" == Hans Hagen <pragma@wxs.nl> writes:

HH> if dropping in otf files for type 1 ones is considered a valid
HH> solution, then poppler should do more checking anyway for the few f
HH> related ligatures (which makes me wonder why the otf file is used as
HH> drop-in)

Poppler asks fontconfig for a font with whatever name the pdf specifies;
it gets back whatever fontconfig provides.  (IIRC, it does map the 14
abbreviations like TiRo, Symb, ZaDb, et cetera to the full names before
doing the lookup.)

For the vast majority of applications, it is better for fontconfig to
provide SFNT fonts rather than T1.  It is reasonable to expect apps and
libs which do only need the glyphs properly to handle that.

James Cloos <cloos@jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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