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Bug#707195: Also breaks krb5 build

Sorry guys, 

I have the feeling you are missing something...

On Mi, 15 Mai 2013, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I'm trying to get a security update of krb5 into sid, and this issue is breaking that build.

That is not my problem. This has to be fixed either upstream
or in the eronous .texi file.

What do you mean wiht "security update" for sid - there is no
such concept. Security updates are for stable. And in stable it will
build properly.

> I'm not thrilled at the concept of making significant documentation changes to the upstream docs in order to get this to build.

Then communicate this to upstream. They will have the same problems
in many other distributions sooner or later.

On Mi, 15 Mai 2013, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I'd strongly recommend making this bug sevirity serious.
> I don't think we want to be unable to build a bunch of stuff in testing.

Again, that is out of discussion.

With this reasoning any lib upgrade that bumps .so or changes API
would be forbidden in SID.

Of course we waited till after release, but now it is time, and docs
should be fixed *TILL* the *NEXT* release, which is in 2(?) years.

We reported it upstream (thanks Hilmar), but I consider this a bug
in the texii files that need to be fixed.

I had and have to fix often bugs/mis-code in other packages
because a library changed in sid, that is called normal
development process.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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