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Bug#709025: Output of kpsewhich command

Hey Norbert,

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:54:48PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> thanks for your email.
> On Mo, 20 Mai 2013, Michael Schutte wrote:
> > Same for me.  FWIW, I’m still running tex-common 4.02 because I saw this
> ?? And which texlive-binaries?
> > kdebug:  = /etc/texmf/web2c:/usr/local/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/web2c
> That looks like texlive-binaries from 2013...
> True?

No, texlive-binaries is at 2012.20120628-4 here.  Since I’m completely
unfamiliar with versioning and interrelationships of TeX packages,
here are my installed versions for everything starting in texlive:

	texlive 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-base 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-bibtex-extra 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-binaries 2012.20120628-4
	texlive-common 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-doc-base 2012.20120611-1
	texlive-extra-utils 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-font-utils 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-fonts-extra 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-fonts-extra-doc 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-fonts-recommended 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-fonts-recommended-doc 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-generic-extra 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-generic-recommended 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-lang-german 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-latex-base 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-latex-base-doc 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-latex-extra 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-latex-extra-doc 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-latex-recommended 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-latex-recommended-doc 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-latex3 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-luatex 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-math-extra 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-metapost 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-metapost-doc 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-pictures 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-pictures-doc 2012.20120611-5
	texlive-pstricks 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-pstricks-doc 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-publishers 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-publishers-doc 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-science 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-science-doc 2012.20120611-2
	texlive-xetex 2012.20120611-5

Basically, 2012 across the board.  So it doesn’t seem unlikely that
something texlive depends on is causing this issue.

I have downgraded luatex and texlive-latex3 since my last mail, yet the
problem persists.

Please let me know if you need any further information.


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