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Bug#673016: API breakage, dropped header file cnf.h


On 16.05.2012 03:40, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Di, 15 Mai 2012, Karl Berry wrote:
>>     np> somewhere between 20120410 and20120510 it seems that 
>>             cnf.h
>>     is not installed anymore.
>> Peter changed kpathsea/Makefile.am not to install cnf.h and several
>> other .h's.  I'm not sure why, or if he and I discussed it.  Peter?
> In the meantime I checked and evince can be build without problems
> by *not* including cnf.h.

Right, I've also tried this in the mean time and got evince successfully
to compile. I've checked the evince upstream git repository but didn't
find a relevant log entry which explains why this include was added in
the first place.

Reading Karl's reply above that other header files were also dropped
worries me a bit, though. Have the other reverse dependencies of
libkpathsea been checked to still compile successfully?

> I don't know, maybe including this header was wrong from the very
> beginning ... if this is the case, please let me know. I don't mind
> if the cnf.h disappears if it is on purpose.

I checked the original header file and didn't find a notice that this
header was deprecated or not supposed to be included.
That said, if that header file is not coming back, I'd appreciate a
short explanation  why it was dropped and not supposed to be used, so I
can communicate this to evince upstream.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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