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texpower and texlive

Dear Rene,

thanks for all your work on Debian. I am contacting now for a rather
minor package you are maintaining, namely texpower.

In TeX Live, texpower is also contained, but we do not install it,
but instead let the respective texlive packages recommend your package,
and texlive-full depends on texpower, so that at the end users get
the same experience with texlive-full or an original TeX Live installed.

The reason why I am contacting you is that I am trying to reduce
the differences to Ubuntu, so that it is easier for them to pull
stuff. Currently the only patch left is to drop the dependency
on texpower to suggest, since texpower is in universe.

To reduce the differences, we could of course drop to suggests in
texlive-*, too, or as another idea, we move texpower back into
TeX Live, and replace texpower as currently in Debian with the
respective texlive-packages.

I wanted to ask your opinion on this matter. If you prefer to 
keep texpower, it is all fine with me. If you prefer to get
rid of it, that is also fine with me, anyway.

Thanks a lot


Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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