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Re: Stalled TexLive upgrades

Hi Gordon,

first of all, please contact the Debian TeX Maint mailing list,
as it is also mentioned as maintainer of the TeX Live packages.

I also add Anton as the maintainer of scalable cyrfonts

On Do, 12 Apr 2012, Gordon Haverland wrote:
> I've had a big list of stalled upgrades for quite a while (6 
> weeks?).  This happens in big projects, so it hasn't worried me.  
> A few days ago, I decided to try and push TexLive.  After finally 
> relenting and typing in most of the texlive-* packages to an apt-
> get, it came back and said the problems are pdfjam and scalable-
> cyrfonts-tex.  Looking around the packaging, I can see that having 
> the pdfjam package removed isn't a problem as texlive-* provides 
> it.  Which leaves scalable-cyrfonts-tex.

So why don't you remove scalable-cyrfonts-tex?
It is only a suggests of texlive-lang-cyrillic, so far from necessary.

> The maintainer wants to abandon it.  And hence, unless someone 
> takes it up, it will continue to block upgrades to texlive for the 
> forseeable future.

First: it does not block
Second: there is activity, see below.

Anton: Do make it clear: What are your plans regarding this package?
	I see that t1-cyrillic and t1-teams actually are required
	in some places, but t1-cyrillic-tex is not asked for
	besides a suggest of texlive-lang-cyrillic.
	I think there are two problems here: The one is the update
	to current standards, I have a NMU ready for that. But since
	the package actually breaks parts of TL I will add a conflict
	anyway, which makes it uninstallable.

So: to repeat from my last email, Anton:
> I have no way of knowing how widely used the TeX fpl and fnc are, but I
> expect they have been used in *some* documents.  Therefore I would feel
> bad about renaming them.  Since they have been in TL for some years, I
> feel they should have priority on the names ...

I agree that since the other fpl/fnc fonts are in TL since long time,
we will not change there names.

So we simply leave this bug open, and I will probably add a conflict
against scalable-cyrfonts-tex as it breaks behaviour of the tex system.

I see two options to solve that:
- drop scalable-cyrfonts-tex completely
- rename the font short names to something that does not conflict 
  with already used fonts/fontnames.

In anycase, I will remove the suggest in the next upload of texlive-lang
and add a conflict with texlive-fonts-extra, as it breaks it.

> Is this a known problem?  I've looked, and I don't see evidence 

Of course.

> for it in the Debian mailing lists.  Should people just remove the 

Did you check debian-tex-maint mailing list?
and the following thread?

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
DSA: 0x09C5B094   fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
The crucial moment of false recognition in a long passageway
encounter. Though both people are perfectly well aware that the other
is approaching, they must eventually pretend sudden recognition. They
now look up with a glassy smile, as if having spotted each other for
the first time, (and are particularly delighted to have done so)
shouting out 'Haaaaaallllloooo!' as if to say 'Good grief!! You!!
Here!! Of all people! Will I never. Coo. Stab me vitals, etc.'
			dme--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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