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[SCM] Debian packaging of context) branch, master, updated. upstream/2012.05.30.20120611-4-g2ced4cc

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2ced4cc828e3355a507ffea7c84709d18a8bac26
Author: Norbert Preining <preining@debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 5 12:14:14 2012 +0900

    do not ship texmfcnf.lua, but rely on texlive-base shipping it
    adjust Vcs fields for new git location

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index e3dc1af..a09b042 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+context (2012.05.30.20120611-2) experimental; urgency=low
+  * don't ship texmfcnf.lua, but rely on texlive-base shipping it,
+    adjust dependencies accordingly
+  * adjust Vcs fields for new git location
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining@debian.org>  Wed, 05 Dec 2012 12:15:08 +0900
 context (2012.05.30.20120611-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream release 2012.05.30 (TL2012 release)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index f2e8158..4ec8871 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Uploaders: Norbert Preining <preining@debian.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~)
 Build-Depends-Indep: tex-common (>= 2.10)
 Standards-Version: 3.9.3
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-tex/context/trunk
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-tex/context/trunk/
+Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-tex/context.git
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-tex/context.git
 Package: context
 Section: tex
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ruby, texlive-binaries, texlive-base (>= 2011), texlive-metapost (>= 2009), lmodern (>= 2), tex-gyre, ${misc:Depends}, luatex (>=
+Depends: ruby, texlive-binaries, texlive-base (>= 2012.20121205), texlive-metapost (>= 2009), lmodern (>= 2), tex-gyre, ${misc:Depends}, luatex (>=
 Recommends: fonts-gfs-artemisia | ttf-gfs-artemisia, fonts-gfs-baskerville | ttf-gfs-baskerville, fonts-gfs-bodoni-classic | ttf-gfs-bodoni-classic, fonts-gfs-didot-classic | ttf-gfs-didot-classic, fonts-gfs-didot | ttf-gfs-didot, fonts-gfs-olga | ttf-gfs-olga, fonts-gfs-porson | ttf-gfs-porson, fonts-gfs-gazis | ttf-gfs-gazis, fonts-gfs-neohellenic | ttf-gfs-neohellenic, fonts-gfs-solomos | ttf-gfs-solomos, fonts-gfs-theokritos | ttf-gfs-theokritos, fonts-freefont | ttf-freefont, fonts-sil-gentium | ttf-sil-gentium, context-modules
 Suggests: perl-tk, libxml-parser-perl, fontforge, context-nonfree, context-doc-nonfree
 Conflicts: texlive-context, tetex-bin (<< 2007), texlive-xetex (<< 2009)
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index b3c9f12..8b8028f 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ binary-indep: build-indep
 	# remove koeieletters.map file, it is not needed here
 	rm $(instbase)/usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/context/koeieletters.map
-	# install texmfcnf.lua file
-	cp debian/texmfcnf.lua $(instbase)/usr/share/texmf/web2c
 	dh_installtex --flavor=format:no_links
 	dh_installdirs usr/bin
diff --git a/debian/texmfcnf.lua b/debian/texmfcnf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eae65f..0000000
--- a/debian/texmfcnf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
--- public domain
--- ConTeXt needs a properly expanded TEXMFLOCAL, so here is a
--- bit of lua code to make that happen
-return {
-    type    = "configuration",
-    version = "1.1.0",
-    date    = "2012-05-14", -- or so
-    time    = "12:12:12",
-    comment = "ConTeXt MkIV configuration file",
-    author  = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
-    -- adaption by Preining Norbert for the Debian system
-    content = {
-        -- Originally there was support for engines and progname but I don't expect
-        -- other engines to use this file, so first engines were removed. After that
-        -- if made sense also to get rid of progname. At some point specific formats
-        -- will be supported but then as a subtable with fallbacks, which sounds more
-        -- natural. Also, at some point the paths will become tables. For the moment
-        -- I don't care too much about it as extending is easy.
-        variables = {
-            -- The following variable is predefined (but can be overloaded) and in
-            -- most cases you can leve this one untouched. The built-in definition
-            -- permits relocation of the tree.
-            --
-            -- TEXMFCNF     = "{selfautodir:,selfautoparent:}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}"
-            --
-            -- more readable than "selfautoparent:{/texmf{-local,}{,/web2c},}}" is:
-            --
-            -- TEXMFCNF     = {
-            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf-local",
-            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c",
-            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf",
-            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c",
-            --     "selfautoparent:",
-            -- }
-            -- only used for FONTCONFIG_PATH & TEXMFCACHE in TeX Live
-            TEXMFSYSVAR     = "/var/lib/texmf",
-            TEXMFVAR        = "home:.texmf-var",
-            -- We have only one cache path but there can be more. The first writable one
-            -- will be chosen but there can be more readable paths.
-            TEXMFCONFIG     = "home:.texmf-config",
-            -- I don't like this texmf under home and texmf-home would make more
-            -- sense. One never knows what installers put under texmf anywhere and
-            -- sorting out problems will be a pain. But on the other hand ... home
-            -- mess is normally under the users own responsibility.
-            --
-            -- By using prefixes we don't get expanded paths in the cache __path__
-            -- entry. This makes the tex root relocatable.
-            -- TEXMFOS         = "selfautodir:",
-            -- TEXMFSYSTEM     = "selfautoparent:$SELFAUTOSYSTEM",
-            TEXMFMAIN       = "/usr/share/texlive/texmf",
-	    TEXMFDIST       = "/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist",
-            TEXMFCONTEXT    = "/usr/share/texmf",
-            TEXMFLOCAL      = "/usr/local/share/texmf",
-            TEXMFSYSCONFIG  = "/etc/texmf",
-            -- TEXMFFONTS      = "selfautoparent:texmf-fonts",
-            -- TEXMFPROJECT    = "selfautoparent:texmf-project",
-            TEXMFHOME       = "home:texmf",
-         -- TEXMFHOME       = os.name == "macosx" and "home:Library/texmf" or "home:texmf",
-            -- We need texmfos for a few rare files but as I have a few more bin trees
-            -- a hack is needed. Maybe other users also have texmf-platform-new trees.
-            TEXFONTMAPS     = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/data//;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips}//",
-            ENCFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/data//;$TEXMF/fonts/enc/{dvips,pdftex}//",
-            VFFONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,vf}//",
-            TFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,tfm}//",
-            T1FONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,type1}//;$OSFONTDIR",
-            AFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,afm}//;$OSFONTDIR",
-            TTFONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,truetype}//;$OSFONTDIR",
-            OPENTYPEFONTS   = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,opentype}//;$OSFONTDIR",
-            CMAPFONTS       = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/cmap//",
-            FONTFEATURES    = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,fea}//;$OPENTYPEFONTS;$TTFONTS;$T1FONTS;$AFMFONTS",
-            FONTCIDMAPS     = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,cid}//",
-            OFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,ofm,tfm}//",
-            OVFFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,ovf,vf}//",
-            TEXINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/tex/{context,plain/base,generic}//",
-            MPINPUTS        = ".;$TEXMF/metapost/{context,base,}//",
-            -- In the next variable the inputs path will go away.
-            TEXMFSCRIPTS    = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/{lua,ruby,python,perl}//;$TEXINPUTS",
-            PERLINPUTS      = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/perl",
-            PYTHONINPUTS    = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/python",
-            RUBYINPUTS      = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/ruby",
-            LUAINPUTS       = ".;$TEXINPUTS;$TEXMF/scripts/context/lua//",
-            CLUAINPUTS      = ".;$SELFAUTOLOC/lib/{context,luatex,}/lua//",
-            -- Not really used by MkIV so they might go away.
-            BIBINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/bibtex/bib//",
-            BSTINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/bibtex/bst//",
-            -- Experimental
-            ICCPROFILES     = ".;$TEXMF/tex/context/colors/{icc,profiles}//;$OSCOLORDIR",
-            -- A few special ones that will change some day.
-            FONTCONFIG_FILE = "fonts.conf",
-            FONTCONFIG_PATH = "$TEXMFSYSVAR/fonts/conf",
-        },
-        -- We have a few reserved subtables. These control runtime behaviour. The
-        -- keys have names like 'foo.bar' which means that you have to use keys
-        -- like ['foo.bar'] so for convenience we also support 'foo_bar'.
-        directives = {
-            -- There are a few variables that determine the engines
-            -- limits. Most will fade away when we close in on version 1.
-            ["luatex.expanddepth"]       =  "10000", -- 10000
-            ["luatex.hashextra"]         = "100000", --     0
-            ["luatex.nestsize"]          =   "1000", --    50
-            ["luatex.maxinopen"]         =    "500", --    15
-            ["luatex.maxprintline"]      = " 10000", --    79
-            ["luatex.maxstrings"]        = "500000", -- 15000 -- obsolete
-            ["luatex.paramsize"]         =  "25000", --    60
-            ["luatex.savesize"]          =  "50000", --  4000
-            ["luatex.stacksize"]         =  "10000", --   300
-            -- A few process related variables come next.
-         -- ["system.checkglobals"]      = "10",
-         -- ["system.nostatistics"]      = "yes",
-            ["system.errorcontext"]      = "10",
-            ["system.compile.cleanup"]   = "no",    -- remove tma files
-            ["system.compile.strip"]     = "yes",   -- strip tmc files
-            -- The io modes are similar to the traditional ones. Possible values
-            -- are all, paranoid and restricted.
-            ["system.outputmode"]        = "restricted",
-            ["system.inputmode"]         = "any",
-            -- The following variable is under consideration. We do have protection
-            -- mechanims but it's not enabled by default.
-            ["system.commandmode"]       = "any", -- any none list
-            ["system.commandlist"]       = "mtxrun, convert, inkscape, gs, imagemagick, curl, bibtex, pstoedit",
-            -- The mplib library support mechanisms have their own
-            -- configuration. Normally these variables can be left as
-            -- they are.
-            ["mplib.texerrors"]          = "yes",
-            -- Normally you can leave the font related directives untouched
-            -- as they only make sense when testing.
-         -- ["fonts.autoreload"]         = "no",
-         -- ["fonts.otf.loader.method"]  = "table", -- table mixed sparse
-         -- ["fonts.otf.loader.cleanup"] = "0",     -- 0 1 2 3
-            -- In an edit cycle it can be handy to launch an editor. The
-            -- preferred one can be set here.
-         -- ["pdfview.method"]           = "see", -- default (often acrobat) xpdf okular
-        },
-        experiments = {
-            ["fonts.autorscale"] = "yes",
-        },
-        trackers = {
-        },
-    },

Debian packaging of context)

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