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Bug#670161: Problems found in algorithm2e

Dear all,

this is a bug collection for algorithm2e (+ docs).

1. http://bugs.debian.org/670161

Since the last upgrade of texlive-science (to TL 2011), the dotocloa
option of the algorithm2e package doesn't work any more.  Minimal


% This fails:
% But this would work:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.1005 \newcommand{\algocf@name

2. http://bugs.debian.org/670163

The latest version of the algorithm2e package's documentation
mentions the keyword \KwFrom (page 10, section 6, in the onelanguage
option description), but it doesn't seem to be implemented.  When
used, compilation fails with the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> i \KwFrom
                     0 \KwTo 42
l.13 }

The \KwFrom keyword would actually be very useful to declare \For
loops (please see the attached example file), so I suggest
implementing it and documenting it in the section 9 of the
documentation (“The predefined language keywords”).

Minimal example:


% This is needed:

\section{This is a test}

\For {i \KwFrom 0 \KwTo 42} {
        do something \;
\caption{Test algorithm}


3. http://bugs.debian.org/670165

The documentation of the algorithm2e package contains a typo, see
page 23, section 10.2: “\SetKwData{Kw}{thetext} defines the macro
\Kw{w}hich defines […]” (instead of “the macro \Kw which defines”).

Patch is attached.

Please be so kind to have a look at that and send me your comments.
Please keep the bugs in Cc.

--- algorithm2e.tex	2012-04-23 17:30:19.364076424 +0200
+++ algorithm2e-new.tex	2012-04-23 17:35:34.553635157 +0200
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
   defines a keyword \emph{thetext} and prints it in keyword
   typography. It can take one argument: $backslash$Kw\{arg\}. If so,
   \emph{arg} is printed in argument typography.
-\item[\Almacpp{SetKwData}{Kw}{thetext}] defines the macro \almacp{Kw}
+\item[\Almacpp{SetKwData}{Kw}{thetext}] defines the macro \almac{Kw}
   which defines a data text. Prints \emph{thetext} in data typography.
   Note that this macros can takes one argument as function macros.
 \item[\Almacpp{SetKwHangingKw}{name}{text}] (hanging indent with keyword): This creates a hanging indent much like

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