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Bug#607351: texlive-binaries: texdoc aliasing sometimes doesn't work

Hi Frank,

Le 17/12/2010 10:00, Frank Küster a écrit :
> Package: texlive-binaries

Btw, I tried installing this on a squeeze box, and it doesn't seem to provide
texdoc. I found it in texlive-base.

> $ grep amsthm /usr/share/texmf-texlive/texdoc/texdoc.cnf 
> alias amsthm = amsthdoc
> $ texdoc -s amsthm
>  1 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/doc/generic/tex-virtual-academy-pl/latex2e/macro/amsthm.html
> Please enter the number of the file to view, anything else to skip: 
> $ texdoc --version
> texdoc 0.61
> $ texdoc -s amsthdoc
>  1 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/doc/latex/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf
>  2 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/doc/latex/amsthdoc-it/amsthdoc_it.pdf
>  3 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/doc/latex/amsthdoc-it/README
> So, although the alias is present, it is not used.
> Manuel, do you have an idea?  This is the current Debian testing
> version.  
$ texdoc -f
texdoc 0.61
Configuration files are:
    absent	/home/mpg/texmf/texdoc/texdoc-bin.cnf
(*) active	/home/mpg/texmf/texdoc/texdoc.cnf
    absent	/home/mpg/texmf/texdoc/texdoc-dist.cnf
    absent	/usr/local/share/texmf/texdoc/texdoc-bin.cnf
    absent	/usr/local/share/texmf/texdoc/texdoc.cnf
    absent	/usr/share/texmf/texdoc/texdoc.cnf
(*) This is the recommended configuration file for your personal preferences.

Texdoc doesn't look for the configuration file where it actually is (or
conversly, the config file isn't were texdoc expects it). So, the two obvious
(and mutually exclusive) solutions are:

1. symlink texdoc.cnf under TEXMFMAIN rather than TEXMFDIST
2. 'patch' config.tlu with "sed -i s/TEXMFMAIN/TEXMFDIST/g" (I just checked, it
doesn't have any side effects).

I guess 1 is the easiest, but I'm not sure how you handle TEXMFMAIN vs TEXMFDIST
in Debian, so...

Let me know if problems remain or if you have more questions.


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