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XeTeX and font configuration


The TeX Live guide, section 3.4.5 [1] mentions a file
TEXMFSYSVAR/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf that can be used to configure
fontconfig so that it (hence XeTeX) becomes aware of the fonts in the TeX trees.

[1]: http://tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/texlive-en.html#x1-370003.4.5

Reportedly, this file doesn't exist in a Debianised TeX Live (which would not be
surprising, since it is generated at installation time in a vanilla TeX Live).
Now, how is the user supposed to configure fontconfig properly for XeTeX? Are
the TL packages already taking care of this?

Thanks in advance for your reply, and sorry for being too lazy to test this


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