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Bug#560896: E: unable to schedule circular actions 'unpack tex-common 2.02, unpack texlive-common 2009-4'

Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> If I were to be a package manager, I guess I could decide to remove
> (temporarily) one of those packages, upgrade the other one, and then
> install the former in this new version. And it looks like that's what
> apt-get does:
> | root@kbsd:/# apt-get install -s tex-common texlive-common|egrep 'tex(|live)-common'|egrep -v '^[[:space:]]'
> | Remv tex-common [1.20] [texlive-common ]
> | Inst texlive-common [2007.dfsg.2-4] (2009-4 Debian:unstable) []
> | Inst tex-common [1.20] (2.03 Debian:unstable)
> | Conf tex-common (2.03 Debian:unstable)
> | Conf texlive-common (2009-4 Debian:unstable)
> I'm not sure there's anything which speaks against doing so.
Yes, this is a solution, but cupt doesn't consider it by default, because of
reasons explained in [1], in short: new 'tex-common' package may have
maintainer scripts which may have some actions for upgrades from older
'tex-common' versions, and they will not be called in such a sequence.

I can add tex-common and/or texlive-common to the list of broken packages
which are allowed to 'remove,unpack,configure' instead of 'unpack,configure',
but for me it is last-case solution.

I have the impression from the Norbert's mails that packages should have
mutual Breaks rather than mutual Conflicts.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=551831#15 and

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer

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