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Re: hyperref nolinkurl regression from 2007, \ not accepted anymore

Dear Heiko,

Thanks a lot for the quick answer. We will see what we can do here, the
problem is that this is generated code (xml -> tex) so deep in the guts
of some xslt processor some changes have to be made.

> The change was intended, from ChangeLog:
> | 2007-10-29  6.77a  Heiko Oberdiek
> |     * \nolinkurl supports escaped characters the same way as \url
> |       (Joseph Wright).
> Now the behaviour is consistent between hyperref's version of
> \url and \nolinkurl.

Ok, well, as said, that breaks some old documents, but so it be.

> The old behaviour read the url verbatim, the backslash had
> catcode 12. However \url supports escaping, that requires
> a backslash with catcode 0.

I have traced that down myself to the \hyper@normalise, but then, 
digging through that bunch of code in it, I gave up ;-)

> guess often. If I don't change something some people are
> unhappy, if I change it, then other people are complaining.

I see the dilemma ... but see also my point ;-)

>   \DeclareUrlCommand\MyPath{}
>   Test \MyPath{c:\foo...\bar...}

I will try to get that into dblatex ...

Thanks again, and all the best


Norbert Preining                preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan               TU Wien, Austria            Debian TeX Task Force
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094   fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
Oh no, not again.
                 --- A bowl of petunias on it's way to certain death.
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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