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Bug#561530: [tex-live] Bug#561530: texlive-latex-base: \noextrasfrancais macro does not work : frenchb.ldf problem

Norbert Preining a écrit :
>> when I process it with pdflatex from texlive-latex-base 2009-4
>> (debian sid), the resulting pdf shows a dash instead of the bullet
>> that the \noextrasfrancais macro is supposed to produce.
>> After some investigations, I realized that simply replacing
>> /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/babel/frenchb.ldf with the one
>> from texlive-latex-base 2007.dfsg.2-4ubuntu1 solved the problem.
>> So it seems there's something wrong in the new frenchb.ldf file,
>> unless \noextrasfrancais is not supposed to work as it used to any
>> more ?
Since frenchb 2.x, the layout (lists, footnotes, etc.) is considered global
(that is, shared by all languages), see third paragraph of section 29.1 in
babel.pdf. Incompatibilities between frenchb 2.x and 1.x are known and
purposeful: the new defaults are supposed to be better, and moreover frenchb 2.x
is more configurable thna previous versions, allowing to restore LaTeX defaults
and/or emulate the behaviour of older version of frenchb.


PS: \addto\extrasfrench{\providecommand{\og}{%etc

I believe this is unnecessary since a long time. (At least frenchb in TL'05
already provides this commands.)

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