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HELP with luatex diversions ...

Trying to fix #557647, but I do not manage it.

luatex till 0.40.6 (unstable) has a diversion:

diversion by luatex from: /usr/bin/texdoc
diversion by luatex to: /usr/bin/texdoc.notluatex

which have been created with
	dpkg-divert --add --package luatex --rename \
	  --divert /usr/bin/texdoc.notluatex /usr/bin/texdoc
(and the same way for the man page)

The old postrm called:
	dpkg-divert --remove --package luatex --rename \
	  --divert /usr/bin/texdoc.notluatex /usr/bin/texdoc

In 2009/experimental I want to remove this diversion, and texlive-base
to provide texdoc. But I cannot manage it.

First try: put removal code into new luatex.preinst, but forgot the
Effect: The diversion was removed, but the new texdoc not reinstantiated
(that is uploaded as luatex 0.46.0-1)

Second try: do the same with added --rename
Effect: dpkg-divert dies because a file /usr/bin/texdoc already exists?
Huh??? Well, probably the one from texlive-base.

Third try: add a conflcits texlive-base -> luatex (<< 0.46.0-2), no
  preinst/postinst code in the new luatex maintainer scripts
Effect: The hope that luatex is first removed and diversions removed, didn't
work out, still not present.

So I give up for now. If one of you have a good idea please help, otherwise
I have to leave this bug rotting away, what would be a pain.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining                                        Associate Professor
JAIST Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology   preining@jaist.ac.jp
Vienna University of Technology                               preining@logic.at
Debian Developer (Debian TeX Task Force)                    preining@debian.org
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TULSA (n.)
A slurp of beer which has accidentally gone down your shirt collar.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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