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Re: TL2009 build strangeties

Hi Frank!

On Do, 15 Okt 2009, Frank Küster wrote:
> After some experiments with dpkg --force-depends, I'm quite sure that
> texlive-base does not need to depend on texlive-binaries or luatex to be
> installed.  This installation order works:
> (libraries for texlive-binaries)
> tex-common
> texlive-common
> texlive-doc-base
> texlive-base
> texlive-binaries
> luatex.

That is nice to hear. Well, texlvie-binaries ship texdoc which needs luatex,
that is the only point of the dependency. I guess we can change that to
a recommends (texlive-binaries -> luatex). That would be good. And only
add texlive-luatesx dpeends luatex.

> So the question is: Why should texlive-base depend on texlive-binaries?
> Actually, there are two questions:

Because the postinstall need kpsewhich etc etc etc... Or what do I miss?
texlvive-base provides basic tex  and Huuuuuu

HERE WE ARE forget the above!

texlvie-base ships the formats for luatex and dviluatex, so we *NEED*
luatex dpeends there.

I don't know how you did these installations without having a broken

> - Where is the dependency of texlive-base on texlive-binaries defined,
>   technically? 
>   Answer: All packages that are based on collections containing binaries
>   get it.

Right, and in addition, everything shipping format definitions or having
calls etc.

> - Why is it needed, or is it not really needed? 
>   Answer: It is needed for example for texlive-plain-extra, which does
>   not depend on texlive-binaries, but on texlive-base only.

And for texlive-base postinstall to run???!??!??!!!!

> So what should we do?  Either we move many files around, copying them to
> the texlive-bin source tree, so that texlive-binaries can be installed
> without texlive-base.  Or we somehow tweak our dependencies.

Wuahhhhahhaha.. please no.

> One approach for that would be to change each dependency on texlive-base
> that is originating from texlive.tlpdb into a dependency on
> texlive-binaries. Since that would in turn depend on tl-base, it would
> be safe.

Why? Without texlive-base we don't have nothing running? No tex, no mf,
no luatex, no pdftex no nothing.

I somehow don't see the point, but I may be blind.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining                                        Associate Professor
JAIST Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology   preining@jaist.ac.jp
Vienna University of Technology                               preining@logic.at
Debian Developer (Debian TeX Task Force)                    preining@debian.org
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One of those conversions where both people are waiting for the other
one to shut up so they can get on with their bit.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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