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Bug#537978: texlive-latex-base: update fails to build font

>>>>> "Hilmar" == Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> writes:
>> I do not believe this bug is the same as #534199, although boht
>> involve fmutil-sys somehow.
Hilmar> So, why do you think not? You have the same error messages as
Hilmar> in this bug report and you probably have the unfixed version
Hilmar> on your hard disc.
Hilmar> The bug is fixed in 2005.dfsg.2-13 of texlive-base-bin and
Hilmar> 2005.dfsg.3-2 of texlive-latex-extra. You have
Hilmar> texlive-latex-base 2005.dfsg.3-1, hence you should see the
Hilmar> bug. Please show the output of: dpkg -l "texlive*"

Here is the output, which does indeed indicate the versions you mention:

rgristroph-austin:~# dpkg -l "texlive*"
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name            Version         Description
iU  texlive         2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live p
ii  texlive-base    2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: Essential programs and files
ii  texlive-base-bi 2005.dfsg.2-12  TeX Live: Essential binaries
ii  texlive-common  2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: Base component
ii  texlive-context 2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: ConText macro package
ii  texlive-doc-bas 2005.dfsg.2-1   TeX Live: Base documentation
un  texlive-doc-en  <none>          (no description available)
un  texlive-extra-u <none>          (no description available)
un  texlive-fonts-e <none>          (no description available)
ii  texlive-fonts-r 2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: Recommended fonts
iF  texlive-latex-b 2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: Basic LaTeX packages
un  texlive-latex-e <none>          (no description available)
iU  texlive-latex-r 2005.dfsg.3-1   TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
un  texlive-math-ex <none>          (no description available)
ii  texlive-metapos 2005.dfsg.2-12  TeX Live: MetaPost (and Metafont) drawing pack
ii  texlive-pdfetex 2005.dfsg.2-12  TeX Live: pdfTeX

The reason why I presume this is not the same as #534199, is that in
the /tmp/tetex.fmutil.* log file, the file doesn't stop at the "file
older than 5 years" message.  The message is a warning, and the output
of pdfetex continues after it.

However, after digging through some directories in a debian mirror, I
got the texlive-base-bin_2005.dfsg.2-13_i386.deb file and I installed
it with "dpkg -i" (the output above is from before that).  The install
worked, and latex seemed mostly working afterwards.

(I was trying to install texlive in the first place, because an
apt-get update had broken tetex, so that it had empty fonts or
something and produced mostly white pages when the dvi was translated
to pdf.)

Thanks for everyone's help.

I think this bug should be left open until the newer packages are
available through a normal apt-get.


P.S.  Why do you think Donald Knuth decided to warn himself against
processing files older than 5 years ?  The old guy probably has many
of those, right ?


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