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Re: [RFC] full triggers

On Fr, 17 Apr 2009, Frank Küster wrote:
> - Without additional arguments, dh_installtex activates a trigger which
>   calls mktexlsr only for $TEXMFMAIN
> - With a flavor "texmfdist", a different trigger is activated which
>   calls mktexlsr on $TEXMFDIST

Could be done.

> > - if formats are installed, then *all* formats are rebuild, ie 
> >   fmtutil-sys --all is called. Formerly we could call fmtutil-sys --all
> >   with the argument of the respective .cnf file in /etc/texmf/fmtutil.d
> I'm not so sure with this. IIRC, currently formats are only built once
> when installing many packages in a row, or upon upgrade. With the

No, fmtutil is called with
	fmtutil-sys --all --cnffile /etc/texmf/fmtutil.d/$package.cnf
for each pacakage-

> trigger, this is deferred, but doesn't change - and in the worst case,
> the upgrade (or more likely installs) are split into different dpkg
> runs, and each format but one is rebuilt twice...

The problem is that *if* we want to run formats in postinst, we need
mktexlsr anyway ...

That could be done by activating the trigger *in* the postinst (maybe?).
BUt not time, train is leaving.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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hear your answer, but who cuts short your opening sentence by leaning
forward and saying 'and I'll tell you why I ask...' and then talking
solidly for the next hour.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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