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Bug#513468: xdvi fails to display \naput and \nbput of pstricks correctly

Currently, I would install TL only if TL has another viewer for dvi files that does the job of rendering all pstricks stuff.
Otherwise I won't come to evaluation before TL 2008 moves into the stable distribution. Nevertheless thank you for the hint!

Independently of that, if you, maintainers, decide what is normal for xdvi and what is not, write it down.
The limitations in the manpages doesn't say a word about naput and nbput.
If you wish to leave it as is in the whishlist - you are the maintainers, you are free to do it.
However, a DVI Previewer not displaying a perfectly valid DVI file produced by a perfectly valid latex from a perfectly valid source is a bug.
Either in latex, or in xdvi, or in gs, or whenever the devil is at the moment.

Thank you and best regards
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