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Re: Installing xetex from SVN alongside texlive_2007-14

Norbert Preining wrote:
How should I compile and install this downloaded xetex so that it can

If you only need a new xetex binary, just compile one and put it into
/usr/bin/xetex (keeping a backup of the old one).

It should find the /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf file and work from
that on completely normal.

Then there are updates to the packages, you should preferably put into

Notwithstanding previous correspondence, I have today built and installed the SVN TRUNK sources of xetex. There are two scripts to be executed in order:

sudo ./install-xetex

The latter has been very thoughtfully written so that only two binaries go into /usr/bin/ and the rest get installed in the TEXMFLOCAL tree so:


So far, the co-existence is peaceful and I thought I would share this information for the benefit of those contemplating doing something similar.


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