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Help needed to install .afm/.pfb font on TeXlive


I could use a good pointer on how to install .afm/.pfb fonts on Debian
TeXlive (sid).

The problem is that mktexpk is always looking for Metafont files which
I don't have.  (that is after running dvips foo.dvi).

However, running dvips -P fnt foo.dvi uses the proper PFB file and the
document looks fine.  (I'd like to avoid the need to add -P fnt to the
command line).

There is a file in /etc/texmf/updmap.d that contains

      Map fnt.map

fnt.map is found by kpsewhich as /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/map/dvips/psnfss/fnt.map
and contains definitions such as

      fntr8r  Name-Foo "some text" <8r.enc <fntr8a.pfb

The referenced file fntr8a.pfb is in


There is also /usr/share/texmf-texlive/dvips/psnfss/config.fnt which
is refernced by the above -P argument and contains

      p +fnt.map

In general it looks similar to how other fonts are installed except
that Metafont files are missing.

Now I'm a bit lost here and could use a howto, document or anything
that gives me a hint on what I'm missing.

Thanks in advance,


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