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Bug#456400: Catalan language should have its own package

I don't completely agree with Jordà Polo's comment. Catalan is a language 
spoken in at least 4 states, i.e.: France, Spain, Andorra and Italy (in the 
city of l'Alguer). In two of them (Andorra and Spain) is official language as 
well. So, if putting catalan into "texlive-lang-spanish" is a clear mistake 
(as catalan and spanish aren't the same langage), putting it into an 
hypotethical "texlive-lang-spain" is not good either.

Catalan language should go into a "texlive-lang-catalan", and it's all. 
Failing to do so will confuse many (La)TeX users, as it happened yet 
according to several messages I've seen in some catalan user's lists.


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