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Re: [dev-context] New Debian TeX packages for Etch

Hi Norbert,

Sorry for the (extremely) late reply.

On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Norbert Preining wrote:

Hi Aditya,

On Mo, 05 Nov 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
So, there are two differences here. The files are organized in a different
directory structure, and have a different extension. Is there some way
this can be corrected at the packaging end?

I will take a look at that, but note that the
packages has NOT been updated in a while, so it probably is in a bad
state wrt organization. Next upload will ship pdf uncompressed, and
hopefully fix these issues.

Can you propose/list a better/working layout? The docs should reside
somehow under
but can be linked into
which in turn is linked from
so that texdoc finds the stuff.

How about having the same directory structure as in the context standalone distribution? For that, we will need to make the following changes

cd /usr/share/doc/context-doc-nonfree/

gunzip showcase/*.pdf.gz
gunzip manuals/*.pdf.gz

mv showcase/*.pdf ./
rmdir showcase

mkdir general
mv manuals general

The files in setup/ are ok, since they are not linked by anything else. Also, can the context magazines (isoimage/usr/local/context/docroot/documents/general/magazines in the context standalone distribution) be included in the debian package at /usr/share/doc/context-doc-nonfree. Their location does not matter, but to keep the directory structure future proof, I would suggest the same strucutre as pragma's So they can be copied to general/magazines/

As you mentioned, these need to be linked to appropriate directories so that texdoc can also find them. I could not figure out how context files are linked in the texmf tree, but texdoc does find the files. I assume that the above changes will not make searching for pdfs difficult for texdoc.

Thank you once more for maintaining the context packages for debian. It really makes it easy to setup context on ubuntu.


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