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Bug#423919: texlive-latex-extra: same bug here, commenting out first "Telefon" definition helped

[sorry for the first, incomplete mail]

Dear Michael,

some Debian users have reported a problem with the version of your
package g-brief as currently found on CTAN, see also
http://bugs.debian.org/423919.  Norbert Preining has analysed this and
proposed a solution:

| As I see in g-brief.cls there are two places of definition of Telefon:
| The first in line 201 where also \Telefax etc is defined, and a 
| second one *after* (optionally) loading the marvosym.sty:
| \IfFileExists{marvosym.sty}
|   {\RequirePackage{marvosym}}
|   {}
|   \def\Telefon#1{\def\telefon{#1}} \def\telefon{}
| So I guess that the first one should be removed, as it seems that you
| already thought of this problem. 

Will you find time to fix this on CTAN?

Vielen Dank im Voraus,
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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