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jadetex upload

Dear Ohura-san,

I have prepared jadetex -8, the changelog is:
jadetex (3.13-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed Maintainer to Debian TeX Task Force with approval of Ohura-san
  * changed to quilt for patching files [np]
    - add quilt to build deps
    - change rules file
  * remove tetex alternative dependencies [np]
  * add build-dep on tex-common (>= 1.4) [np] (Closes: #403610)
  * move dh compat settings to debian/compat (lintian warning) [np]
  * write changelog entry in utf8 [np]
  * move dh_installtex call to pdftex (for jadetex and pdfjadetex) [np]
  * do not create the format links (are created by dh_installtex)
    (Closes: #419819)
  * remove the .ini hack, a wrongly set jobname/engine interferes with
    the search path ordering
  * The above together with depending on texlive 2007 fixes the interference
    with texlive-lang-cyrillic (Closes: #419026, #419020) [np]

The most important change is probably the removal of the .ini hacks, 
this is no longer necessary.
The reason for this is that TL2007 ships with a new fmtutil
code which *immediately* installs the formats, and do not 
keep them in the tmp file until all formats are created
(this was necessary to be able to create same called formats
with different engines).

I made upgrade/remove/install/purge/install tests, all with success.

>From your side are there any missing things before uploading? If not I
will upload this version.

Best wishes and thanks a lot


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
And finally, " said Max, quieting the audience down and
putting on his solemn face, "finally I believe we have with
us here tonight, a party of believers, very devout
believers, from the Church of the Second Coming of the
Great Prophet Zarquon. " ... "There they are, " said Max,
"sitting there, patiently. He said he'd come again, and
he's kept you waiting a long time, so let's hope he's
hurrying fellas, because he's only got eight minutes left!
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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