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xmltex nmu

Hi Frank!

Your NMU of xmltex ships fmt.d/40xmltex.cnf without the magic comment.
In general I guess we should prepare a proper upload.

I have long ago prepared a -2 which did most of this:
   * switch to dh_installtex:
     - adapt Makefile
     - remove postinst and postrm, they are generated by dh_installtex
     - add dependency on tex-common (>= 0.19)
   * move debhelper from build-deps-indep to build-deps
   * add alternative dependencies on texlive
   * fmt generation fixes
     - load the latex.ini from within the (pdf)xmltex.ini file
     - fix the texmf.d snippet to include latex path component in the
       search path
   * bump standards version to 3.7.2, no changes necessary

and it was present all the time in
	deb(-src) http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ check/

Maybe we should redo this with in a proper way?

Or build texlive-htmlxml?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
VENTNOR (n.) One who, having been visited as a child by a mysterious
gypsy lady, is gifted with the strange power of being able to operate
the air-nozzles above aeroplane seats.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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