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Re: [tex-live] Debian TeX -- new packages

On 24 Mar 2007, at 5:10 pm, George N. White III wrote:

Does fc-list find lmodern?

This is not necessary for the OP's example, as the default in fontspec.sty is to load the LM fonts from the texmf tree by filename (using kpathsearch), not by locating "installed" fonts via fontconfig. I think the problem was an older LM package that perhaps had different filenames or something like that.

You can try "xetex --no-pdf <file>" followed by "dvipdfmx -vv
<file>.xdv" and "strace dvipdfmx <file>.xdv" to see where the fonts
are found.

(That would be "xdvipdfmx", not "dvipdfmx".)

I tried the following experiment with "real" TL2007:

A. original default configuration -- the lmodern fonts are found via
the .map file.  pdffonts lists type 1 fonts.

B.  fc configuration:

  1) "updmap-sys --edit" to remove the lm entries

  2) create symbolic links of the lmodern .otf fonts in ~/.fonts, then
fc-cache and fc-list to verify that the fonts are found.

This would be needed for them to be found using something like

  \setromanfont{Latin Modern Roman}

but is not needed for


which is the form fontspec's default configuration uses.

(Names might not be exactly correct here, but it's the principle of font name vs. filename that is at issue.)


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