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Re: intent to do a poppler transition


just to repeat: If you want to do the poppler transition, it is *your*
task to check:

* Steve Langasek (vorlon@debian.org) [061005 21:22]:
> > - In any case, shouldn't we carefully check all affected packages,
> >   whether they FTBFS and whether they still work?  This would IMO
> >   require a phase where all of them are in experimental, except poppler
> >   itself in case it gets a new dev package name.
> Yes, given the current release schedule, this new libpoppler transition will
> only be considered for etch if someone does rebuild and test all the
> reverse-dependencies, providing any necessary patches and documenting these
> to the release team.

Given the current date, I don't expect the poppler transition to happen,
unless that happens very fast. And even in that case, please speak with
us before uploading the package to unstable.


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