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Re: intent to do a poppler transition

On 2006-10-02 12:54:12 -0400 Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote:

> But the way I would approach this is:  Look at existing projects that
> include a copy of xpdf code, and are non-gui.  Besides pdftex, that's at
> least pdftohtml, but I think there was one more in Debian (recalling
> faintly from one of the rounds of security patches to xpdf).

Maybe it was PDFKit (libpdfkit0,libpdfkit0-dev)?  PDFKit uses poppler for the non-gui stuff, and embedded xpdf code for the gui stuff, because porting to poppler for the gui stuff was too hard for me.  (I know, it's an ugly hack, but it works.)  So any non-gui xpdf vulnerabilities won't affect PDFKit.

Hubert Chan - email & Jabber: hubert@uhoreg.ca - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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