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Re: How to deal with teTeX's and texlive's RC licensing bugs

Hi Frank!

On Mit, 27 Sep 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
> This is the list of conflicted-on packages:
> circ-tex
> dviutils
> ethiop
> ivritex
> lacheck
> latex-beamer
> latex-svninfo
> latex-ucs
> latex-ucs-contrib
> latex-ucs-uninames
> latex-xcolor
> lhs2tex
> octave-forge
> pbox-tex
> pdfscreen
> pgf
> ptex-bin
> rcs-latex
> tex-chess
> tex-skak
> textopo

We could have taken a look at the TODO file in texlive/trunk ;-)

Ok, I reworked it a bit and fixed a bit, here from the current TODO
* check conflicts:
                Ohura-san is preparing new packages.
                TODO: wait-for-upload, drop-conflict, blacklist/depend

                bugreport send, after upload blacklist/recommend
                TODO: wait-for-upload, drop-conflict, blacklist/recommend

        conflicts;texlive-latex-recommended;latex-ucs-uninames, latex-ucs, latex-ucs-contrib
                latex-ucs is no problem.
                we remove the conflict BUT!!!! leave the ucs.tpm in texlive
                as it provides more files. 
                THIS SHOULD BE CHECKED what makes the difference!
                DONE: drop all conflicts!
                TODO: file-check

                dviutils contains only dviselect and dviconcat
                blacklist these two files together with the manpages
                and recommend dviutils!

                no idea what this is for and why
                TODO: file-check, bugreport?

        conflicts;texlive-games;tex-chess, tex-skak
                both of them only install files into /u/s/texmf, so forget
                the conflict. 
                Both have only dependency on tetex-bin
                DONE: drop conflict
                TODO: bugreport, file-check for blacklist/recommends

                ethiop does not have the type1 fonts, while they are present
                in texlive
                TODO: everything

                concerns only two files, just drop the conflict

        conflicts;texlive-latex-extra;latex-svninfo, pbox-tex, textopo, circ-tex
                TODO: everything

        conflicts;texlive-latex-base;pdfscreen, ivritex
                TODO: everything

                cannot be changed, both ship same /usr/bin/ptex

where the pseudo tags should be more or less clear. These are all
conflicts in texlive (besides the one on tetex!). If we fix these then
all unnecessary are gone.

Everyone is invited to contribute ... ;-)

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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An entry in a diary (such as a date or a set of initials) or a name
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