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Re: new texlive-base packages

Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote:

> Yes, that's a good idea.  I fetched it and installed the contents in a
> Master directory.

Some more explanations are in order.  I've added this to the README:

| Get the source tree
| -------------------
| The Debian TeXLive repository does not contain the actual sources,
| only the files needed to create Debian packages from them.  You have
| to get the sources separately.  Since we are (currently) working with
| the released 2005 version, this is most conveniently achieved by
| getting texlive2005-inst-20051102.iso.zip from CTAN, unzipping it,
| loop-mounting it and copying the content to a separate directory.  It
| makes sense to use /some/path/texlive/Master/.
| The files in the iso archive are also compressed and need to be
| uncompressed first.  This can be done from the Master/ directory with
| the command
| for archive in archive/*; do unzip -n $archive; done
| You have to set the MASTER environment variable to this directory for
| the following make calls to work.

One other strange thing is that if MASTER is set to
/some/path/texlive/Master/ with the trailing slash, then "make sources"
complains for every tpm file that
/some/path/texlive/Master//texmf-dist/tpm/filename.tpm is missing, while
it has no problem finding the other files.  Without the trailing slash
everything is fine.

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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