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Re: debian-tex project, members, svn, testing needed

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 10:33:28AM +0100, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Dear all!
> The the debian-tex project is created. I have added all pkg-tetex
> developers to the list of developers of debian-tex. Frank is also admin.
> I have merged the tetex and texlive repositories into one on
> 	debian-tex
> 	http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-tex
> 	svn://svn.debian.org/debian-tex/
> All the revisions from tetex should be the same, then there is a big
> jump of 300 revisions where I loaded the texlive stuff, so now we are at
> revision 885 (or so).

Thanks!  Note that the svn://svn.debian.org/debian-tex/ should be
svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-tex/ if you want write access!

Incidentally, for a list of directories immediately under debian-tex,
do svn list svn://svn.debian.org/debian-tex/; the result is:


Remember that each of these has a subdirectory called "trunk", which
is what you are likely to want to check out.

> PLEASE all:
> - as soon as you are in the debian-tex group on alioth (may take some
>   time) please check out the debian-tex repository or parts of it and
>   check if you find any problems.
> - for now CONTINUE to use pkg-tetex and pkg-texlive, submits to
>   debian-tex will get lost!
> - when we think that everythink worked I will call for a submit stop,
>   repeat the procedure, and then ask you to *only* use the new one.

Excellent!  And at the same time, I would change the access
permissions on the existing repositories to prevent accidental
mistakes, or change the existing commit-email.pl scripts to
send LOUD MESSAGES to the mailing lists about such errors.

> IF you think we can do the switch immediately, well, don't submit
> anythink to pkg-tetex and pkg-texlive for now.

Too late for this: let's set a date and time a couple of days in
advance; you can make the switch at a time convenient for you, and
give yourself a comfortable window in which to make the switch.

Everyone: Please note that there's an svn switch command which can
save you from downloading the entire repository again.

> You can check the history and svn archive on the website above.
> For the record, merging the stuff was easy:
> 	cd /svn/debian-tex
> 	rm -rf *
> 	cp -a /svn/pkg-tetex/* .
> 	svnadmin dump /svn/pkg-texlive > texlive.dump
> 	svnadmin load /svn/debian-tex < texlive.load

(I assume the last line should read texlive.dump at the end :)

Alternatively, and more safely than a blind cp -a (which can break if
someone happens to write to the svn repos at the same time),

  rm -rf /svn/debian-tex/*
  svnadmin hotcopy /svn/pkg-tetex /svn/debian-tex --clean-logs
  svnadmin dump /svn/pkg-texlive | svnadmin load /svn/debian-tex

Better because:
(a) svnadmin hotcopy does the copy safely
(b) you're not storing a *massive* dump file!


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