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Re: [tex-live] Proposal for collection reorganization

Hi Norbert,

        move fpl from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended
        move mathpazo from math-extra to latex-recommended
	move charter from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended
	move rsfs from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended
	move prosper from latex-recommended to latex-extra
	move beamer and powerdot from latex-extra to latex-recommended
	move pdfcprot to latex-extra
	move microtype to pdfetex (but see below)
	mhequ from latexextra to mathextra
	ogonek from latexextra to langpolish
	uhrzeit from latexextra to langgerman
all fine, please do it.

	move jurabib from lang-de to bibtex-extra
	move juramisc, jurarsp, juraabbrev from latex-extra to lang-de
I assume you mean collection-langgerman.  Maybe you call it lang-de
in Debian (a much more logical name :)?  Anyway, the moves are fine.

        collection-chemistry => collection-science
fine ... except do we care at all about a chemistry (or science)
collection?  Would a user ever bother to install just that?  I find it
hard to imagine.

	move from latex-extra to publishers
          IEEEconf aastex apa asaetr ascelike gatech-thesis imac jhep jpsj
          muthesis nature osa ptptex sae siggraph tugboat uaclasses ucthesis
          uiucthesis umich-thesis york-thesis
also fine, except same question as above: would any user ever just
install collection-publishers?  Again, I find it hard to imagine.  Do we
need to bother making the distinction?

	merge other scientific packages
	(units, scipaper, textopo, algorithm,...)
	into a new latex-science
I suggest putting those scientific packages simply into
collection-science [if it remains] instead of bothering with
latex-science.  Is there any significant non-latex science?


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