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[eprochasson@free.fr: Trouble about tetex-base installation & babel]

Dear Ubuntu Developers,

on the Debian TeX List a Ubuntu/Dapper user has reported the attached
problem. Since Dapper seems to include tetex-base 3.0-15, this is most
likely related to a serious bug in that version of tetex-base:


This bug was fixed two months ago in version 3.0-16. Since this bug
inhibits hyphenation in LaTeX, I think it would be good if it were fixed
before Dapper is released. The best fix would be, of course, to use the
current version from unstable, since this fixes a few other things, too.
If you only want to fix this issue, then make sure that 

$ cat /var/lib/tex-common/language-cnf/tetex-base.list

holds. This file is installed from 'debian/tetex-base.language.list'.
This can also be found in our svn at


(modolo some path changes for web or svn without ssh access) Thanks.


----- Forwarded message from Emmanuel PROCHASSON <eprochasson@free.fr> -----

From: Emmanuel PROCHASSON <eprochasson@free.fr>
Subject: Trouble about tetex-base installation & babel
To: debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 13:28:45 +0200


I am using a fresh ubuntu/dapper distribution, and i have some trouble 
about tex/latex, babel and hyphenation.

I installed tetex-base (3.0-15build1) and it seem you are the mainteners 
of this one :)
Note that i installed almost everything i could find about tex/latex 
available with my distrib.

Well, here's the problem :

when i compile *any* latex file, using \usepackage[francais]{babel} 
(same with "french", "frenchb" or even "catalan") i got this message :


This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
babel <v3.8d> and hyphenation patterns for loaded.

I think there should be something after the "hyphenation patterns for...".

Susbsequently, i got :

Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
(babel)                the language `French'
(babel)                I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 

This is the first time i have this kind of problem. I tried removing 
everything about tex/latex (with --purge option with apt-get) and 
reinstalling, but it is the same.

This looks particularly wierd since, as i search on the internet i just find 
answer about people having no hyphenation for one particular language, not 
for every one of them.

I am also using a dapper, upgraded from breezy, upgraded from hoary at home, 
and doesnt have this problem either. 
My english is not that fine, and it's hard for me to express what i mean. If 
you speak french, i invite you to read 
http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=40750 where i ask the same 

I might be wrong, but i think the problem come from the distribution 
package, since i dont have any problem elsewhere (and someone on ubuntu-fr 
answered he has exactly the same error).

I hope you can help me, i'll be glad to answer any question you have about 

Since i'm here, i'd like to thank you for your job, since i've been using 
tex/latex and debian/ubuntu successfully for a long time now.

Emmanuel Prochasson - eprochasson@free.fr

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