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Bug#225833: Letter vs A4 again

Greg Stark <gsstark@mit.edu> wrote:

> What would you do with my "portable" document written for letter paper
> if all you have is A4 paper?

Unclear question. What is "document"? .tex or .pdf?

If it is .tex:
  - if it is for screen reading, where's the problem?
  - else, it is for printing. If you are a serious guy, you'll send me a
    .tex *designed* for A4 paper; otherwise, I can try to compile your
    crap after adding an a4paper setting, but this will probably result
    in ugly stuff such as overfull boxes.

If it is a .pdf:
  - for screen reading, no problem;
  - for printing, there are again several solutions:

       * printing a letter document on A4 should be generally doable
         without scaling because letter paper is shorter (in height) and
         has almost the same width as A4;

       * the document can be scaled before it is sent to the printer
         (for instance, Acrobat Reader has a well-known option to do

  (but of course, for anything serious, you have to provide a document
  in the paper size used for printing)


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